Oratorio to celebrate 500th anniversary of the Lutheran/Protestant Reformation
Jay Poff • March 15, 2020
“Your home is your castle” may seem like a saying from the dark ages, but it actually dates from after the 1517 Reformation, when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle church.
“That ushered in the modern era of democracy,” says Drew Pulver, who has organized the American premiere of “Oratorio Luther,” a project of a thousand voices. “Before that, if you couldn’t pay your tithes, you would be excommunicated and, in many cases, they would burn down your home.”
“Luther,” by Dieter Falk and Michael Kunze, both of Germany, features an orchestra, a rock band, a choir and soloists including Jay Poff. It will be performed in Landis Hall at the Junction Center, 1875 Junction Road, Manheim, at 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17.
Lee University School of Music will welcome world-class vocalists, keyboardists, and ensembles for this year’s Performing Arts Series, beginning this October.